“My furniture is for everyone. From the savvy savers to the dreamers on Pinterest boards, from those seeking quality without the hefty price tag to the DIY enthusiasts looking for their next project. My shop is a treasure trove of possibilities, where every piece is a family story in waiting.”

Back in 2010 when I ventured to Nottingham Trent University to study graphic design, the plan was simple: come, study, and perhaps return home to Lithuania. But life had other plans. Accompanied by my boyfriend at the time, now my husband, we embarked on what was supposed to be a two-year adventure. Little did I know that fourteen years, a husband, two beautiful daughters, and a home later, Nottingham would become more than just a temporary stop; it would become my forever home, the place where my passion for furniture would turn into the business I am so proud to have founded.

Ever since I can remember, furniture has fascinated me: it’s not just about the pieces themselves but the stories they carry, and the memories they hold. One piece that stands out from my childhood is a gorgeous art deco sofa, in green velvet, passed down through generations in my family. It's more than just furniture; it's a connection to my grandparents, a reminder of their love and the legacy they left behind. At the moment my parents have it in Lithuania, and someday, I will bring it to my home in the UK, restore it, and keep that legacy alive. It's not just only family heirlooms that hold significance for me. There's a coffee table, that my husband and I restored together as our first project. It may not match the style of our decor, but that doesn’t matter… it still has a place in our home

Starting out

My business didn't begin with a big grand plan; it started with a realisation during my days as a graphic designer. While styling furniture for photo shoots, I saw perfectly good pieces being marked as unsuitable for sale afterwards. It struck me as such a waste, an opportunity lost for something lovely to reach a buyer who would love it. I tentatively asked if those pieces of furniture could be sold to me. And so, my side business was born: a humble labour of love that began in my spare bedroom that moved from the sidelines to front and centre of my life.

Furniture for everyone

My furniture is for everyone. From the savvy savers to the
dreamers on Pinterest boards, from those seeking quality
without the hefty price tag to the DIY enthusiasts looking for
their next project. My shop is a treasure trove of possibilities,
where every piece is a family story in waiting.
What makes my shop unique? It's the feeling I get every
time I walk in – a sense of gratitude, of excitement at the
possibilities that each delivery holds, because as I open those
boxes, I’m not sure what I’m going to get.

The personal touch

For me, what I love the most is connecting with people,
helping them find solutions to their design dilemmas, and
learning about them so I can help create that feeling we call
home. And after years of searching, I've found my true
passion and my creative expression in this business, all of
which I love to share with my customers.
So, whether you're searching for that perfect piece to
complete your space or simply looking for a friendly face to
guide you along the way, I invite you to book a showroom
viewing and say hello. Let's chat, let's dream, and let's find
that piece of furniture you'll fall in love with.

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